Girls Exploring Tomorrow’s Technology (GETT) is an annual event in the spring for girls in grades 5-10 and their parents to learn about career opportunities in a broad scope of STEAM related industries. The day is filled with exciting, enlightening and experiential activities led by successful women in STEAM fields.
GETT began in Chester County, Pennsylvania in 2001 as a response to the under-representation of young women in the computer and information technology fields. Since that time, GETT has expanded its geographical footprint to include students from all around Southeastern Pennsylvania and now showcases the fields of Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Math (STEAM).
GETT is an initiative of the Innovative Technology Action Group (ITAG), a program under the Chester County Economic Development Council, and is driven by the volunteer efforts of numerous public, private and educational organizations, along with public and private investments.
2018 “GETT by the Numbers”:
1. 912 girls between 5th and 10th grades attended GETT 2018.
2. 187 schools were represented at the event.
3. 324 Parents and Educators attended.
4. 63 Companies, Universities and Professional Organizations participated in the Expo.
5. 106 tables in the GETT Expo, each with unique hands-on STEM activities.
Testimonials from GETT 2018:
“Thank you so much for all your hard work with the GETT event. The girls and I had such a fun day on Saturday. We weren’t there too long when the girls said, “We’ve got to get our friends to come next year!” I appreciated the main speaker’s words of wisdom that it is OK to fail, even goof for you, and that the failure does not need to define you or hold you back!” ~Teacher Testimonial
“The GETT experience was amazing! I had a fantastic time at the fun and interactive learning experiences. This experience has opened my eyes to so many new ideas for my future career.” ~Student Testimonial
“I had such a great time watching the excitement of my daughter and her friends as they visited table after table of STEM activities led by women in so many different career pathways! Congratulations on a spectacular and IMPORTANT opportunity for these girls!” ~Parent Testimonial
Check out the videos from last year to see GETT 2018 in action!